Installing Istio Sidecar

Pod Spec Requirements

In order to be a part of the service mesh, each pod in the kubernetes cluster must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Service association: The pod must belong to a single Kubernetes Service (pods that belong to multiple services are not supported as of now).

  2. Named ports: Service ports must be named. The port names must be of the form <protocol>[-<suffix>] with http, http2, grpc, mongo, or redis as the <protocol> in order to take advantage of Istio’s routing features. For example, name: http2-foo or name: http are valid port names, but name: http2foo is not. If the port name does not begin with a recognized prefix or if the port is unnamed, traffic on the port will be treated as plain TCP traffic (unless the port explicitly uses Protocol: UDP to signify a UDP port).

  3. Deployments with app label: It is recommended that Pods deployed using the Kubernetes Deployment have an explicit app label in the Deployment specification. Each deployment specification should have a distinct app label with a value indicating something meaningful. The app label is used to add contextual information in distributed tracing.

  4. Sidecar in every pod in mesh: Finally, each pod in the mesh must be running an Istio compatible sidecar. The following sections describe two ways of injecting the Istio sidecar into a pod: manually using istioctl CLI tool or automatically using the Istio Initializer. Note that the sidecar is not involved in traffic between containers in the same pod.

Manual sidecar injection

The istioctl CLI has a convenience utility called kube-inject that can be used to add the Istio sidecar specification into kubernetes workload specifications. Unlike the Initializers, kube-inject merely transforms the YAML specification to include the Istio sidecar. You are responsible for deploying the modified YAMLs using standard tools like kubectl. For example, the following command adds the sidecars into pods specified in sleep.yaml and submits the modified specification to Kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f samples/sleep/sleep.yaml)


Let us try to inject the Istio sidecar into a simple sleep service.

kubectl apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f samples/sleep/sleep.yaml)

Kube-inject subcommand adds the Istio sidecar and the init container to the deployment specification as shown in the transformed output below:

... trimmed ...
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  annotations: injected-version-root@69916ebba0fc-0.2.6-081ffece00c82cb9de33cd5617682999aee5298d
  name: sleep
  replicas: 1
      annotations: injected-version-root@69916ebba0fc-0.2.6-081ffece00c82cb9de33cd5617682999aee5298d
        app: sleep
      - name: sleep
        image: tutum/curl
        command: ["/bin/sleep","infinity"]
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      - name: istio-proxy
        ... trimmed ...
      - name: istio-init
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        ... trimmed ...

The crux of sidecar injection lies in the initContainers and the istio-proxy container. The output above has been trimmed for brevity.

Verify that sleep’s deployment contains the sidecar. The injected version corresponds to the image TAG of the injected sidecar image. It may be different in your setup.

echo $(kubectl get deployment sleep -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.sidecar\.istio\.io\/status}')

You can view the full deployment with injected containers and volumes.

kubectl get deployment sleep -o yaml

Automatic sidecar injection

Istio sidecars can be automatically injected into a Pod before deployment using an alpha feature in Kubernetes called Initializers.

Note: Kubernetes InitializerConfiguration is not namespaced and applies to workloads across the entire cluster. Do not enable this feature in shared testing environments.


Initializers need to be explicitly enabled during cluster setup as outlined here. Assuming RBAC is enabled in the cluster, you can enable the initializers in different environments as follows:

  • GKE

    gcloud container clusters create NAME \
        --enable-kubernetes-alpha \
        --machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
        --num-nodes=4 \
        --no-enable-legacy-authorization \
  • IBM Bluemix kubernetes clusters with v1.7.4 or newer versions have initializers enabled by default.

  • Minikube

    Minikube version v0.22.1 or later is required for proper certificate configuration for the GenericAdmissionWebhook feature. Get the latest version from

    minikube start \
        --extra-config=apiserver.Admission.PluginNames="Initializers,NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,GenericAdmissionWebhook,ResourceQuota" \


You can now setup the Istio Initializer from the Istio install root directory.

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-initializer.yaml

This creates the following resources:

  1. The istio-sidecar InitializerConfiguration resource that specifies resources where Istio sidecar should be injected. By default the Istio sidecar will be injected into deployments, statefulsets, jobs, and daemonsets.

  2. The istio-inject ConfigMap with the default injection policy for the initializer, a set of namespaces to initialize, and template parameters to use during the injection itself. These options are explained in more detail under configuration options.

  3. The istio-initializer Deployment that runs the initializer controller.

  4. The istio-initializer-service-account ServiceAccount that is used by the istio-initializer deployment. The ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding are defined in install/kubernetes/istio.yaml. Note that initialize and patch are required on all resource types. It is for this reason that the initializer is run as its own deployment and not embedded in another controller, e.g. istio-pilot.


In order to test whether sidecar injection is working, let us take the sleep service described above. Create the deployments and services.

kubectl apply -f samples/sleep/sleep.yaml

You can verify that sleep’s deployment contains the sidecar. The injected version corresponds to the image TAG of the injected sidecar image. It may be different in your setup.

$ echo $(kubectl get deployment sleep -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.sidecar\.istio\.io\/status}')

You can view the full deployment with injected containers and volumes.

kubectl get deployment sleep -o yaml

Understanding what happened

Here’s what happened after the workload was submitted to Kubernetes:

1) kubernetes adds to the list of pending initializers in the workload.

2) istio-initializer controller observes a new uninitialized workload was created. It finds its configured name as the first in the list of pending initializers.

3) istio-initializer checks to see if it was responsible for initializing workloads in the namespace of the workload. No further work is done and the initializer ignores the workload if the initializer is not configured for the namespace. By default the initializer is responsible for all namespaces (see configuration options).

4) istio-initializer removes itself from the list of pending initializers. Kubernetes will not finish creating workloads if the list of pending initializers is non-empty. A misconfigured initializer means a broken cluster.

5) istio-initializer checks the default injection policy for the mesh and any possible per-workload overrides to determine whether the sidecar should be injected.

6) istio-initializer injects the sidecar template into the workload and submits it back to kubernetes via PATCH.

7) kubernetes finishes creating the workload as normal and the workload includes the injected sidecar.

Configuration options

The istio-initializer has a global default policy for injection as well as per-workload overrides. The global policy is configured by the istio-inject ConfigMap (see example below). The initializer pod must be restarted to adopt new configuration changes.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: istio-inject
  namespace: istio-system
  config: |-
    policy: "enabled"
    namespaces: [""] # everything, aka v1.NamepsaceAll, aka cluster-wide
    # excludeNamespaces: ["ns1", "ns2"]
    initializerName: ""
      verbosity: 2
      version: 0.2.6
      meshConfigMapName: istio
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

The following are key parameters in the configuration:

  1. policy

off - Disable the initializer from modifying resources. The pending initializer is still removed to avoid blocking creation of resources.

disabled - The initializer will not inject the sidecar into resources by default for the namespace(s) being watched. Resources can enable injection using the annotation with value of true.

enabled - The initializer will inject the sidecar into resources by default for the namespace(s) being watched. Resources can disable injection using the annotation with value of false.

  1. namespaces

This is a list of namespaces to watch and initialize. The special "" namespace corresponds to v1.NamespaceAll and configures the initializer to initialize all namespaces. kube-system, kube-public, and istio-system are exempt from initialization.

  1. excludeNamespaces

This is a list of namespaces to be excluded from istio initializer. It cannot be definend as v1.NamespaceAll or defined together with namespaces.

  1. initializerName

This must match the name of the initializer in the InitializerConfiguration. The initializer only processes workloads that match its configured name.

  1. params

These parameters allow you to make limited changes to the injected sidecar. Changing these values will not affect already deployed workloads.

Overriding automatic injection

Individual workloads can override the global policy using the annotation. The global policy applies if the annotation is omitted.

If the value of the annotation is true, sidecar will be injected regardless of the global policy.

If the value of the annotation is false, sidecar will not be injected regardless of the global policy.

The following truth table shows the combinations of global policy and per-workload overrides.

policyworkload annotationinjected

For example, the following deployment will have sidecars injected, even if the global policy is disabled.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: myapp
  annotations: "true"
  replicas: 1

This is a good way to use auto-injection in a cluster containing a mixture of Istio and non-Istio services.

Uninstalling Initializer

To remove the Istio initializer, run the following command:

kubectl delete -f install/kubernetes/istio-initializer.yaml

Note that the above command will not remove the injected sidecars from Pods. To remove the sidecars, the pods must be redeployed without the initializer.