
The kubernetes template holds data that controls the production of Kubernetes-specific attributes.

Example config:

apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
kind: kubernetes
  name: attributes
  namespace: istio-system
  # Pass the required attribute data to the adapter
  source_uid: source.uid | ""
  source_ip: source.ip | ip("") # default to unspecified ip addr
  destination_uid: destination.uid | ""
  destination_ip: destination.ip | ip("") # default to unspecified ip addr
    # Fill the new attributes from the adapter produced output.
    # $out refers to an instance of OutputTemplate message
    source.ip: $out.source_pod_ip
    source.labels: $out.source_labels
    source.namespace: $out.source_namespace
    source.service: $out.source_service
    source.serviceAccount: $out.source_service_account_name
    destination.ip: $out.destination_pod_ip
    destination.labels: $out.destination_labels
    destination.namespace: $out.destination_mamespace
    destination.service: $out.destination_service
    destination.serviceAccount: $out.destination_service_account_name


OutputTemplate refers to the output from the adapter. It is used inside the attribute_binding section of the config to assign values to the generated attributes using the $out.<field name of the OutputTemplate> syntax.

Field Type Description
sourcePodIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Refers to source pod ip address. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourcepod_ip

sourcePodName string

Refers to source pod name. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourcepod_name

sourceLabels map<string, string>

Refers to source pod labels. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourcelabels

sourceNamespace string

Refers to source pod namespace. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourcenamespace

sourceService string

Refers to source service. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourceservice

sourceServiceAccountName string

Refers to source pod service account name. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourceserviceaccountname

sourceHostIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Refers to source pod host ip address. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.sourcehost_ip

destinationPodIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Refers to destination pod ip address. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.destinationpod_ip

destinationPodName string

Refers to destination pod name. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.destinationpod_name

destinationLabels map<string, string>

Refers to destination pod labels. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.destinationlabels

destinationNamespace string

Refers to destination pod namespace. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.destinationnamespace

destinationService string

Refers to destination service. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.destinationservice

destinationServiceAccountName string

Refers to destination pod service account name. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.destinationserviceaccountname

destinationHostIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Refers to destination pod host ip address. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.destinationhost_ip

originPodIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Refers to origin pod ip address. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.originpod_ip

originPodName string

Refers to origin pod name. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.originpod_name

originLabels map<string, string>

Refers to origin pod labels. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.originlabels

originNamespace string

Refers to origin pod namespace. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.originnamespace

originService string

Refers to origin service. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.originservice

originServiceAccountName string

Refers to origin pod service account name. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.originserviceaccountname

originHostIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Refers to origin pod host ip address. attributebindings can refer to this field using $out.originhost_ip


The kubernetes template represents data used to generate kubernetes-derived attributes.

The values provided controls the manner in which the kubernetesenv adapter discovers and generates values related to pod information.

Field Type Description
sourceUid string

Source pod’s uid. Must be of the form: “kubernetes://pod.namespace”

sourceIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Source pod’s ip.

destinationUid string

Destination pod’s uid. Must be of the form: “kubernetes://pod.namespace”

destinationIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Destination pod’s ip.

originUid string

Origin pod’s uid. Must be of the form: “kubernetes://pod.namespace”

originIp istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress

Origin pod’s ip.


An instance field of type IPAddress denotes that the expression for the field must evalaute to ValueType.IP_ADDRESS

Objects of type IPAddress are also passed to the adapters during request-time for the instance fields of type IPAddress

Field Type Description
value bytes

IPAddress encoded as bytes.