Log Entry

The logentry template represents an individual entry within a log.

Example config:

apiVersion: "config.istio.io/v1alpha2"
kind: logentry
  name: accesslog
  namespace: istio-system
  severity: '"Default"'
  timestamp: request.time
    sourceIp: source.ip | ip("")
    destinationIp: destination.ip | ip("")
    sourceUser: source.user | ""
    method: request.method | ""
    url: request.path | ""
    protocol: request.scheme | "http"
    responseCode: response.code | 0
    responseSize: response.size | 0
    requestSize: request.size | 0
    latency: response.duration | "0ms"
  monitored_resource_type: '"UNSPECIFIED"'


The logentry template represents an individual entry within a log.

When writing the configuration, the value for the fields associated with this template can either be a literal or an expression. Please note that if the datatype of a field is not istio.policy.v1beta1.Value, then the expression’s inferred type must match the datatype of the field.

Field Type Description
variables map<string, istio.policy.v1beta1.Value>

Variables that are delivered for each log entry.

timestamp istio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStamp

Timestamp is the time value for the log entry

severity string

Severity indicates the importance of the log entry.

monitoredResourceType string

Optional. An expression to compute the type of the monitored resource this log entry is being recorded on. If the logging backend supports monitored resources, these fields are used to populate that resource. Otherwise these fields will be ignored by the adapter.

monitoredResourceDimensions map<string, istio.policy.v1beta1.Value>

Optional. A set of expressions that will form the dimensions of the monitored resource this log entry is being recorded on. If the logging backend supports monitored resources, these fields are used to populate that resource. Otherwise these fields will be ignored by the adapter.


An instance field of type TimeStamp denotes that the expression for the field must evalaute to ValueType.TIMESTAMP

Objects of type TimeStamp are also passed to the adapters during request-time for the instance fields of type TimeStamp

Field Type Description
value google.protobuf.Timestamp

TimeStamp encoded as google.protobuf.Timestamp.


An instance field of type Value denotes that the expression for the field is of dynamic type and can evalaute to any ValueType enum values. For example, when authoring an instance configuration for a template that has a field data of type istio.policy.v1beta1.Value, both of the following expressions are valid data: source.ip | ip(""), data: request.id | ""; the resulting type is either ValueType.IP_ADDRESS or ValueType.STRING for the two cases respectively.

Objects of type Value are also passed to the adapters during request-time. There is a 1:1 mapping between oneof fields in Value and enum values inside ValueType. Depending on the expression’s evaluated ValueType, the equivalent oneof field in Value is populated by Mixer and passed to the adapters.

Field Type Description
stringValue string (oneof)

Used for values of type STRING

int64Value int64 (oneof)

Used for values of type INT64

doubleValue double (oneof)

Used for values of type DOUBLE

boolValue bool (oneof)

Used for values of type BOOL

ipAddressValue istio.policy.v1beta1.IPAddress (oneof)

Used for values of type IPAddress

timestampValue istio.policy.v1beta1.TimeStamp (oneof)

Used for values of type TIMESTAMP

durationValue istio.policy.v1beta1.Duration (oneof)

Used for values of type DURATION

emailAddressValue istio.policy.v1beta1.EmailAddress (oneof)

Used for values of type EmailAddress

dnsNameValue istio.policy.v1beta1.DNSName (oneof)

Used for values of type DNSName

uriValue istio.policy.v1beta1.Uri (oneof)

Used for values of type Uri