Istio 1.0.1

This release addresses some critical issues found by the community when using Istio 1.0. This release note describes what’s different between Istio 1.0 and Istio 1.0.1.



  • Made it possible to use Pilot standalone, for those users who want to only leverage Istio’s traffic management functionality.

  • Introduced the convenient values-istio-gateway.yaml configuration that enables users to run standalone gateways.

  • Fixed a variety of Helm installation issues, including an issue with the istio-sidecar-injector configmap not being found.

  • Fixed the Istio installation error with Galley not being ready.

  • Fixed a variety of issues around mesh expansion.

Policy and Telemetry

  • Added an experimental metrics expiration configuration to the Mixer Prometheus adapter.

  • Updated Grafana to 5.2.2.


  • Ability to specify sink options for the Stackdriver adapter.


  • Improved configuration validation for health checks.