Announcing Istio 1.2.4

Patch Release

We’re pleased to announce the availability of Istio 1.2.4. Please see below for what’s changed.

Security update

This release contains fixes for the security vulnerabilities described in ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-003] ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-004. Specifically:

ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-003: An Envoy user reported publicly an issue (c.f. Envoy Issue 7728) about regular expressions matching that crashes Envoy with very large URIs. * CVE-2019-14993: After investigation, the Istio team has found that this issue could be leveraged for a DoS attack in Istio, if users are employing regular expressions in some of the Istio APIs: JWT, VirtualService, HTTPAPISpecBinding, QuotaSpecBinding.

ISTIO-SECURITY-2019-004: Envoy, and subsequently Istio are vulnerable to a series of trivial HTTP/2-based DoS attacks: * CVE-2019-9512: HTTP/2 flood using PING frames and queuing of response PING ACK frames that results in unbounded memory growth (which can lead to out of memory conditions). * CVE-2019-9513: HTTP/2 flood using PRIORITY frames that results in excessive CPU usage and starvation of other clients. * CVE-2019-9514: HTTP/2 flood using HEADERS frames with invalid HTTP headers and queuing of response RST_STREAM frames that results in unbounded memory growth (which can lead to out of memory conditions). * CVE-2019-9515: HTTP/2 flood using SETTINGS frames and queuing of SETTINGS ACK frames that results in unbounded memory growth (which can lead to out of memory conditions). * CVE-2019-9518: HTTP/2 flood using frames with an empty payload that results in excessive CPU usage and starvation of other clients.

Nothing else is included in this release except for the above security fixes.

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